Sunday, November 13, 2011

Who won the YouTube Republican debate?

The Republican YouTube debate on CNN that the series was named Romney. About the halfway point I was frustrated with all the questions to Mitt and at 9:05 I took my pen and kept track of how many questions to each candidate. I can lose a few counts, but this is real close to the precision.

The account is:
Romney 13
Giuliani 9
McCain 7
Thomas and Huckabee 6
Paul 5
Hunter and Tancredo 3

Do we see a slight bias towards here??? It was probably even more skewed that I did not follow up "until halfway.

Now - the winners, hard to choose. However, the losers were Mitt and Rudy. Mitt stammered. It was sad to see him make a Hillary, though not as good. The Clintons are still the gods to avoid. Stuttered on gays in the military, about the Bible and a series of questions from some others. The better question to Mitt was what should be done on Black Black crime. His response was very good. We need more mothers and fathers, said that on two occasions. Is this the same man who said he would do more for gay Teddy Kennedy? It comes from a state that allows same-sex marriage? Now you know why he stuttered, one can say contradiction?

In the opening round Mitt and Rudy eliminated each other with friendly fire. After taking turns hitting each other for illegal immigrants, while the others watched, until it was done, the real debate began. Mitt and Rudy would have been better in a park on a seesaw, up and down, up and down .....

On another occasion, Romney sought the ball when the question was raised about the Confederate flag. Is it racist symbol of the south should be allowed or not. Mitt do not think the question really deserved an answer, I did. Sometimes it is necessary to look beyond their face value to a question. The reason it was important due to the personal freedom that seems to be constantly eroded by the government. Want to fly the flag, display a manger scene, below, which is as it should have answered.

But this debate I left feeling good. The candidates responded to questions, and mud was thrown on the Dem and a smile from Mike Huckabee. After watching this debate and the Democrats are presidential candidates. There were good answers and solutions unlike Kucinich debates Liberal Party who spend more time beating Bush, the Republicans sling mud and social engineering than anything else.

The only person who is lost in the shuffle and has no exposure is Duncan Hunter. He never once said anything that I can disagree. All other candidates I think at least once something that does not agree. Duncan campaign should be titled, common sense, if you talk about building the fence to keep illegal or military, showing a lot of it.

I was very concerned that Gen. Kerr called. Who invited him? Immediately I thought he must be one of the plants. With the critical issues facing United States why these homosexuals must break things just to get their agenda at the forefront immoral? It's not like national security concerns for more important? After CNN, and who gives us his view on who won, someone said exactly what he did and said Kerr had to be placed there for the Hillary. He was upset, why not cut the microphone is beyond me. I wonder how Democrats would feel if the conservative right in its place a floor debate and spoke about the right to pray or to protect unborn life?

The brigade was asked about gays in the military. Duncan Hunter spoke up about what they're up against. Once again common sense.

The most memorable line of the night and was nearly Reaganite Mike Huckabee. When asked about space exploration and going to Mars answered with a yes we need to keep space programs running and exploration to Mars, I think the first rocket to Mars should have Hillary on it. Just love the man! Morally, is solid. The man is increasing. I love to see him on guard against Clinton.

But the question of the night was done to Ron Paul. The guy who was asked said almost sarcastically, as Ron was a bone. Do you really believe in the American theory of the Union? Ron Paul said yes! Europe already has the European Union. The land has already been taken by eminent domain to build a highway connecting Mexico, the U.S. and Canada. He said the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations is real! It was one of the few times during the debate calmed down and place ONE refuted. That is scary and something you really need to pay attention and ask yourself which is more dedicated to stop this, NAFTA and ending dependence on China? To me this is still a number of issues larger than Iraq, saving our sovereignty.

In short, Thompson looked good, so did McCain. Tancredo makes sense. The Republicans have nothing to worry about with this group. Compared with the offer of Democratic come November '08 America and the Republican Party will be held.